The aye aye has rodent-like teeth and a long, thin middle finger that fills the same ecological niche as a woodpecker. The aye aye taps on trees to find grubs, then gnaws holes in the wood and inserts its long middle finger into the hole to pull the grubs out. The aye aye is considered to be a near threatened species, possibly even endangered with very few aye aye left in the wild . The second subspecies of aye aye is thought to have become extinct at some point in the past 1,000 years.
The aye aye inhabits the forested and jungle areas of the east side of Madagascar, but the aye aye is also commonly found in bamboo thickets and are occasionally found hunting on the ground.
Funny Aye Aye
Funny Aye Aye
Funny Aye Aye
Funny Aye Aye
Funny Aye Aye