In Europe there is a separate, but closely related species called Bison bonasus. Unfortunately this species called the winet, is endangered and confined to zoos.
Let us now turn to Africa, here we have a buffalo, but it's not only a different species, but also a separate genus, Syncerus caffer. In the south there is a sub species called the Cape Buffalo.
One feature of the African buffalo is the up-turned horns which make them extremely dangerous to humans. Can you run at 50 km /hr, 30 mph? Well these buffalo can reach the speed of a horse, another reason why they are rated the most deadly animal in Africa.
Lastly, let us turn to Asia where we have the Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis). These are more docile than the African buffalo and can be farmed for their meat, milk and hide.
To summarise, in Africa we have buffalo goring gung-ho game hunters; in Asia water buffalo wallowing waiting to be farmed, and in the USA, bison managed by Native Americans, regaining their former pastures.
Funny Buffalo
Funny Buffalo
Funny Buffalo
Funny Buffalo
Funny Buffalo
Funny Buffalo
Funny Buffalo